Development of industry

The Development Of industries In Turkey

Development is a concept that is synonymous with industrialization. In a sense, the term “developed country” means industrialized country. Therefore, countries must accelerate the industrialization process to become industrialized and prosperous society.

The development of the industrial sector has brought many countries to a high level of prosperity. G… Described as Asian Tigers East Asian countries have received this title because of their high industrialization rate.

Turkey is also a country that promotes industrialization and is trying to boost its industrial investments.

The rate of industrialization in Turkey has increased significantly over the years. It is said that the industrial sector growth rate, which was an average of 3.8 per cent year in 1990-2002, was 5.5 per cent in 2002-2016.

Increasing industrial production, which continued high growth rates in recent years, increased growth expectations by 10.4 per cent in September 2017, compared to the same month of the previous year. Now, 2017ekonomik growth figures are expected to rise above 6 per cent.

Further developments in the industrial sector are noticeable in the distribution of exports. in 1996, the share of the industrial sector in exports (manufacturing industry) was 88 per cent, which was 91 per cent in 2000 and 94.1 per cent in 2017. let’s also remind you that there are agricultural products in pre-1980 exports instead of industrial products.


The industrial production index is an important indicator for the development of industrial industry production. The industrial production index, calculated from 2010, was 45.4 in 1990 and increased to 63.3 in 2000, to 86.1 in 2005, to 112 in 2012 and to 129.5 in September 2017.

In terms of index development, industrial industry production value (industrialization rate) will increase moderately by 2002 and will be seen entering a faster growth trend after 2002.


When we look at the industrial production index in sub-sectors, we can more accurately assess the direction of development.

The index, which includes the manufacturing of technology and information products such as computer, electronic and optical products in Turkey, has seen a rapid increase in recent years. As a matter of fact, the value of 100 in 2010 increased to 158.3 in 2016 and to 147.8 in September 2017.

This has also been reflected in industry turnover indexes, and turnover indexes of organizations that manufacture electronics and computers have increased significantly in recent years.


From the machine and electrical-electronics area to internal combustion engine components, durable household appliances to automobiles, biofuel to escalators, from many components of aircraft to engine parts and food industry, many products can be produced, exported and significant increases in product diversity have been recorded in Turkey in recent years.


886 thousand 201 cars were produced in 2010, while 1 million 211 thousand 487 were produced in 2015.

Turkey increased one step in the production of cars in 2016 and 17. he was next. Now we’re putting our weight as an automobile country.

And when we produce the national car, our automobile production will be crowned and moved to a new stage.


As of the end of 2015 (TURKSTAT has recently published this data), we have produced industrial products worth 1 trillion 068 billion lira. the value of industrial production in 2010 was 499 billion liras.

sales from production in 2015 are 956 billion liras.

3.2% of sales from production are high-tech, low-tech, and medium-tech products are 72%, and medium-high-tech products are 24.8%.

This data clearly illustrates the need to increase the share of high-tech products.


The Manufacturing Procurement Managers Index (PMI) is an index from a monthly economic trend survey calculated by London-based IHS Market on behalf of ISO (from 2005). The survey of 400 major companies in Turkey measures manufacturing industry performance.

October 2017 PMI index 52.8. This data means that the Turkish manufacturing industry (industrial production) has experienced strong improvement.

This trend of recovery has been moved to 8 months in a row with October and has been the longest continuous growth since 2014.

“Strong improvement in the Turkish manufacturing sector continued in October,” said IHS Market Economist Gabriel Dickens.

The increase in orders from internal and external channels has been effective. Production expanded, firms increased employment and purchasing activities and increased capacity.


In recent years, Turkey has been producing other things that give trust to friends and fear to enemies.

We’re building a Jet Cellular that pushes the boundaries of ship technology. Solid missile, anti-tank missile System, T129 Attack Helicopter, Bora 12 Keskin Nisanci rifle, Storm Obview, Altay National Tank, Anka drone, Atmaca National Gemisavar, Göktürk Discovery Satellite, HURKUS unmanned training aircraft, Unmanned Marine, Kasirga TR 300 Flying vehicle, MPT combat rifle, battle rifle We are now producing national weapons that we use and sell in the F 16 and other defense industry.

So, the glass is half full. Good things are done in our country. We’re dead, we’re dead, we’re done, we’re going to use resources more efficiently, we’re going to create new things, we’re going to live in peace and brotherly prosperity, we’re going to have to contribute to it.


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